2012 Conference Proceedings (York, UK)
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Creating Communities: Local, National and Global Proceedings of the fourteenth Conference of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe Academic Network
Peter Cunningham and Fretwell, N. (eds.); York, UK
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Dýrfjörð, K. – Infected with neo-liberalism: The new landscape of early childhood settings in Iceland
Pratas, M. H. – Quality education and training: Which policies are best in a global and changing world?
Jurgena, I. and Mikainis, Z. – The role that student clubs and associations play in citizenship education within Latvia
Pallotta, D. – The Village of Mothers and Children in Milan: A review of a successful community model
Alevriadou, A., Griva, E., Papadopoulou, I. and Spinthourakis, J.-A. – Teachers’ beliefs about the performance of bilingual immigrant students with or without learning difficulties model
Hashizaki, Y. and Kawaguchi, H. – Japanese student teachers’ perceptions about teaching global issues
Lempesi, G.-E. – Teacher’s perspectives regarding project implementation within the school community
Tanaka, N. – The methodological differences between Japanese and British research on citizenship education
Dimakos, I. and Papakonstantinopoulou, A. – Providing psychological and counselling services to Roma students: A preliminary report for a three-year longitudinal project
Kaouri, C. and Dimakos, I. – Psychosocual support and counselling for Roma families in Western Greece
Kyriacou, C. – Mentoring troubled pupils as a means for promoting citizenship, identity and community cohesion
Nielsen, L. – History teachers working with high-school students’ identity in a multicultural society
Hosack, I. – Citizenship and language education in Japanese high schools
Jurgena, I., Mikainis, Z. and Kevisa, I. – The potential for blingual education to help integrate ethnic minority communities within Latvian multicultural society
Torpsten, A. – Mother tongue and multilingual education
Chauvigné, C. – Adolescents and social networks in French high schools: Is it possible to build a community of citizens?
Lestinen, L. – Reviewing the construction of current migration discourse through the use of a multi-disciplinary mailing list
Spinthourakis, J.-A., Korhonen, R., Acar, E. and Papadimitriou, I. – Social media use in community building for collaboration: How do university teacher educators and pre-service teachers measure up?
Tukkanen, T., Iqbal, A. and Kankaanranta, M. – Virtual worlds as children’s participatory media: The opportunities and risks of participation
Ross, A. – A history of the CiCe Academic Network – part 1: Genesis
Kotopoulos, T., Alevriadou, A., Vamvakidou, I. and Michailidis, E. – Characters with special needs in the contemporary children’s books: The role of education in community building versus social stereotypes
Messina, C. and Kohen, R. – The commitment of young people to political and civic life: An analysis of Spanish citizenship education textbooks
Ververi, O. – Essentially contested…Representations of social reality in textbooks: The case of the ‘Education for Democratic Citizenship’ programme
Aksit, N. – Creating cosmopolitan citizenship communities through Model United Nations simulations’ programme
Hernández-Merayo, E. – Building democratic citizenship: What schools could learn from social movements
Athar, A. R. and Hughes, T. – Developing social enterprise in knowledge economies: The role of Community Interest Companies in community building and knowledge development
Jerome, L. and Bhargava, M. – Power, politics and pedagogy: Community organizing and citizenship education
Kyridis, A., Vamvakidou, I., Petrucijová, J., Zaleskiene, I., Zagkos, C., Ene, C. and Papoutzis – Social responsibility versus social vulnerability: Students propose ways to face the economic crisis – The case of Greece, the Czech Republic and Lithuania
Kõiv, K. – The double meaning of money among students during the dual currency period in Estonia
Lobanova-Shunina, T. and Shunin, Y. – Nanoeducation for developing responsible scientific citizenship and creating a sustainable intellectual global community
Mašek, J. – A pedagogy of audio-visual literacy: The promoting and improvement of culture, media and citizenship education in society
Wagner, B. – National procedures: Naturalisation ceremonies in France and Germany
Wesołowska, E. and Sołoma, A. – Deliberative debate as a procedure of citizenship education and community building
Zaleskiene, I. – Local community as a platform for students learning
Chehlova, Z., Kevisha, I. and Chehlov, M. – The Russian Society of Latvia: A national-cultural citizenship community
Fortlouis Wood, L. – Leadership, trust, and cooperation: Implications for community building in multicultural settings
Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz, B. – Responsibility as a personal, local and global phenomenon
Pergar Kuščer, M. and Cavaion, I. – Empathy as a meaningful dimension for community building
Andersson, I. – Children as targets for war and peace memories: Narratives from defense museums or war and peace memorials in St Petersburg, Münster, Verdun, Paris, London, Copenhagen and Stockholm
Pratas, M. H., Horta, I. and Amado, N. – Conflict resolution in teacher training: Understanding teachers’ needs
Prinzing, D. and Price, P. A. – Human rights education: A framework for building community
Diamantopoulou, A. – Community building: Local Press coverage of the incorporation of refugees from Asia Minor into the Greek State
Chong, E. K. M. – The perception and teaching of national identity and national education: Case studies of Hong Kong secondary school teachers
Chistolini, S. – The Italian community in Scotland and the question of European citizenship within school education
Ross, A., Issa, T., Philippou, S. and Aðalbjarnardóttir, S – Moving borders, crossing boundaries: young people’s identities in a time of change 3: constructing identities in European islands – Cyprus and Iceland
Szabó, E., Lörinczi, J. and Secui, M. – Training the teachers of tomorrow: European identity and Hungarian and Romanian students’ attitudes towards the European Union
Jacott, L. And Maldonado, A. – Social justice and citizenship education
Hernández-Castilla, R. and Murillo, J. – Schools for social justice and citizenship
García, T., Ordoñez, E., Preckler, M., Sainz, V., Pérez Manjarrez, E., Plascencia, M., Juanes García, A., Maldonado, A. and Jacott, L. – From traditional to cosmopolitan views on citizenship education: A new instrument for evaluation
Preckler, M., Sainz, V., García, T., Juanes García, A., and Ordoñez, E., - Representations of social justice
García, T., Agustín, S., Seguro, V. and Juanes García, A. – Adolescents’ perceptions of their digital rights
Seguro, V., Agustín, S., Preckler, M., Sainz, V. and Jacott, L. – Citizenship education in non-formal contexts: The role of city councils
Pérez Manjarrez, E. – Adolescents’ perceptions on citizenship: Analyzing empathy and social engagement by positioning dilemmas
Agustín, S. and Seguro, V. – Involving teacher training students in civil society through ‘Education for Citizenship’ and human rights
Plascencia, M. and Pérez Manjarrez, E. – Using narratives to explore Mexican children’s representations of justice
Bickmore, K. and Kovalchuk, S. – Diverse ways of creating classroom communities for constructive discussions of conflict: Cases from Canadian secondary schools
Pattison-Meek, J. – Rurality matters: Revealing the challenges of educating for social justice in rural schools
Parker, C. A. – Conflicts and ‘Canadian’ identities embedded in citizenship education: Diverse immigrant students’ experiences
Kovalčiková, I. – Domestic violence and victimization with references to the child’s resilience
Koutselini, M. and Alanidou, F. – Children living with violence: Identifying the effects on their behavior and their views about their own self-image and school performance
Chistolini, S. – Domestic violence analysed from the perspective of women’s tolerance and its harmful effects on children
Liduma, A., Rone, S., Zuzevičiūte, V. and Kiõv, K. – The attitudes of young people in the Baltic states towards migration and mobility within the European context
Miyano, S. – Japanese education within the local community as a form of citizenship education
Rone, S. – Creative leaders for quality in education in Latvia
Altan, S. – The Global Youth LEAD Club: A study of civics and human rights education in Turkey
Bosse Chitty, R. – Understanding children’s citizenship, participation and agency in the primary school: An English ethnographic study
García, T. – The cosmopolitan view of citizenship considered in relation to Spanish secondary school teachers’ conceptions of citizenship
Lemoine, J. and Roland-Lévy, C. – From the “slippery slope framework” to “responsive regulation”
Šulíková, J. – National identity and European integration in contemporary textbooks in Slovakia
Tamayo, C. – The instrumetnalization of the communicative citizenship field in the context of armed conflict: The case of the Association of Organized Women of Eastern Antioquia in Colombia
Guedes Teixeira, E. – Breaking women’s social exclusion cycle? Social and educational professionals’ perspectives on Social Insertion Income beneficiaries