Individual Membership Payment & Renewal

The current subscription period is from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025.

We are currently updating online payment via our secure server. We thank you for your understanding.

Until the system update is complete, using your own WISE account, individual membership fees can be sent directly, as well as through traditional means of payment. Acceptable formats currently include: bank transfer, invoice and WISE payment:

If paying by bank transfer you will receive an invoice receipt by email once your payment has been received.

As of Oct. 2024, individual membership fees have been updated as follows:


Standard Membership: €30.00  :: 
WISE payment (Standard)
Retiree Membership: €25.00  :: 
WISE payment (Retiree)
Early Career Professional Membership:   €20.00  :: 
WISE payment (Early Career)
Student Membership: €15.00  :: 
WISE payment (Student)