CiCea European Research Centres

As part of our services for members, eight institutional members of the Association have agreed to make meeting and study places available to other members of the Association. This facility is for members of the Association who wish to meet or study in one of the locations. Members may use the centres, with the agreement of the host in each case, as:

  • a study base for an individual for a short period of time
  • a research base, to collect data in the locality and its environs
  • a meeting place for a research/study project

The host institution will try to accommodate requests for use of the facilities, assist in suggesting convenient accommodation, and endeavour to help you identify schools or colleges that may be useful to you in any research. Members receive a catalogue that details the research centres and facilities that are available. Currently, our research centres are located in the following cities:

Ayr, Scotland; Budapest, Hungary; Coimbra, Portugal; Hudderfield, UK; Malmö, Sweden; Olsztyn, Poland; Patras, Greece; Corinth, Greece