Election Announcements

The next elections cycle for the seat of CiCea President begins in April 2024. 

The incoming President-elect will serve a 6 year tiered term in office from October 2024 through to September 2030; 2 years as President-elect, 2 years as President and a final 2 year term in office as Past-President.  Full details on the eligibility criteria, nomination papers and dates will be posted here with links on our FB page and Twitter accounts. These are available here

Nominations opened on April 18th and closed on April 27th, 2024 after which nominees papers were reviewed and certified. Voting was open to individual and institutional members. Voting closed on May 24th. Election results will be announced to the membership at our Annual General Assembly meeting the date TBA to take place during the CiCea conference in Malmo Sweden in June 2024.