2000 Conference Proceedings (Athens,GR)
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Developing Identities in Europe: Citizenship education and higher education Proceedings of the second Conference of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe Thematic Network
Alistair Ross (ed.); Athens, GR
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McCollum, A. – Whose citizenship? Developing practical responses to citizenship in the curriculum
Pecek, M. – Is it really necessary to train teachers to teach civic education?
Ross, A. – Curricula for citizens and for their teachers: processes, objectives or content
Koutselini, M. – Citizenship education in context: the role of professional collaboration for citizenship in Europe
Eyde, D. and Copp, G. – Teacher education for citizenship in Europe, a common module
Kantorkova, H., Sikorova, E., with Karaffa, J., Krejzova, B., Ondrejcik, M. – Integrating topics of citizenship and multicultural values into the curriculum of teacher education
Mašek, J. and Tykalova, J. – Some aspects of the national curriculum and the teaching of civic education in the Czech Republic
Bezensek, J. – Citizenship in Slovenia: statements and contents for development
Kolenc-Kolnik, K. – The influence of geographical education on multicultural understandings and national identity in the Slovenian-Hungarian and Slovenian-Italian frontier regions
Gocsál, Á. – Hungarian Students’ perceptions of the Roma minority
Clarke, M. and Killeavy, M. – Citizenship education in the Irish curriculum: processes of teacher-child interaction in social learning
Fumat, Y. – Citizenship, cultural identity and exclusion
Eyde, D., Copp, G. – Young people and changing identities/citizenship in Europe: Citizens’R’Us?
Bauer, T. – Citizens in Europe – at home in Europe: An experienced concept for teacher training courses
Lastucci, E. – History consciousness, social/political identity and European citizenship
Crawford, K. – The ideological and political role of the school textbook in constructing national memory
de Freitas, M. – Textbooks and citizenship education
Roussakis, Y., and Matsagouras, E. – Developing images of a region through education: Identity and otherness in the Mediterranean
Hengst, H. – Replacing purpose with pastiche? On childhood and shifting identity patterns
Ferreira, M., Rocha, C., and Vilarinho, M. – Changing professional practice: a sociology of childhood for the right of children to participate
Folkesson, A. – Developing citizenship through competence in speech at age 11
Hartsmar, N. – My life in the 90’s – A young person’s text faces the authority
Dos Santos, L. – Social anthropology within the context of the social sciences – cultural diversity and the educational process
Roland-Levy, C. – Developing identities via different social representations: teenagers, unemployment and ideology
Näsman, E., and von Gerber, C. – Counton us! Children’s economy – a learning project
Bamford, S. – Entrepreneurship education: should it be taught? Can it be taught?
Elvstrand, H. – Children’s ideas concerning the things they own, their income and their saving, primary school children in Sweden
Justegård, H. – Earning your own money – paid labour among teenagers in Sweden
Davies, I., Fülöp, M., Hutchings, M., Ross, A., and Vari-Szilagyi, I. – Enterprising citizens? The perceived interactions and overlaps between citizenship education and enterprise education in England and Hungary
Berndstrup, S. – Identification of the close relations between social education and 0 – 3 year old citizens in a Danish day nursery
Korhonen, R. – The pre-school education curriculum in Finland: How is the social development of children included in the curriculum?
Lerkkaen, M., Kankaanranta, M., Mäkitali, M., Kupila, K., Poikonen, L., and Yliopisto, J. – The pro-child constructing pedagogical expertise in teacher education by networked discussions
Svendsen, K., Nielsen, K., Kjaerulff, H., Froda, J. – Children’s Friendship
Jensen, N., and Windfeldt., A. – How to educate pre-school teachers so they are capable of working towards the social development of children
Alamäki, A., and Korhonen, R. – Education for technological literacy in modern society
Gaudin, N., Hillman, C., and Neukirchner, A. – TRANSFER – Training native speakers for early language teaching
Verkest, H. – A cartoon says more than a thousand words
Rúnarsdóttir, E., and Adalbjarnardottir, S. – Who wants to employ a bossy loudmouth? Teacher’s pedagogical vision and strategies when promoting student’s self-perception and social awareness
Papanastasiou, C. and Papanastasiou, E. – Social values and the factors that influence students to become elementary school teachers
Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz, B. – School evaluation versus the development of professional competence
Papoulia-Tzelepi, P. and Spinthourakis, J. – Ten years later: Greek university student teachers’ national and European identities
Crawford, K., and Foster, R. – Education for citizenship in Romania and the UK – a comparison